77 Unique Podcast Interview Questions for Engaging Audience In 2024

podcast interview questions

In podcasting, creating a captivating interview is like finding the right balance between being prepared and going with the flow. As a podcast host, I often wonder how much to plan and when to let the conversation happen naturally.

Before you hit the record button, take the time to study your guest and compile a list of thought-provoking questions.

Which podcast interview questions are appropriate to ask? This is precisely what I’m here to guide you through.

This guide to podcast interview questions is here to help you figure out that balance. It gives you the tools to create interviews that keep your listeners interested and make your guests feel comfortable.

Whether you’re experienced in podcasting and want to get better or you’re just starting. This guide is meant to improve your interviewing skills and make your podcast episodes better.

Let’s start by checking out a list of good podcast interview questions. I can use these questions to create a structure for my interviews without making them feel too scripted.

What is the Importance of Podcast Interview Questions

What is the Importance of Podcast Interview Questions

Crafting engaging questions is an art. It’s not just about filling the airwaves with words; it’s about sparking authentic, insightful conversations that resonate with your audience.

But why are podcast interview questions so crucial? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Connection: Thoughtful questions foster a genuine connection between you and your guest, creating a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience.
  2. Relevance: Tailoring your questions to your guest’s expertise, experiences, and interests ensures that your podcast remains relevant and valuable.
  3. Audience Engagement: Well-crafted questions captivate your audience, encouraging them to stay tuned and participate in the conversation.

Types of Podcast Interview Questions

Types of Podcast Interview Questions

Warm-up Questions:

  1. How are you doing today? What’s been the highlight of your day so far?
  2. Can you share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that people might not know?
  3. What’s your favorite way to start the day and get motivated?
  4. Do you have any pre-interview rituals or routines?
  5. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

General Questions:

  1. Can you share a bit about your background and journey to where you are today?
  2. What inspired you to pursue [guest’s field or industry]?
  3. How do you define success in your career or life?
  4. Can you highlight a pivotal moment or turning point in your life or career?
  5. What motivates you to keep pushing forward in the face of challenges?
  6. How do you stay creative and innovative in your work?
  7. Can you share a failure or setback that later turned out to be a valuable learning experience?

Career and Professional Development:

  1. What advice would you give to someone starting in your industry?
  2. How do you approach goal-setting and planning for the future?
  3. What skills or qualities do you believe are essential for success in your field?
  4. Can you discuss a mentor or role model who has influenced your career?
  5. How do you balance work and life responsibilities?

Current Projects:

  1. Can you tell us about any exciting projects or initiatives you’re currently working on?
  2. What challenges have you faced in your recent projects, and how did you overcome them?
  3. How do you approach collaboration and teamwork in your projects?
  4. What impact do you hope your current projects will have on your industry or community?

Personal Growth and Learning:

  1. How do you prioritize continuous learning and personal development?
  2. Are there any books, podcasts, or resources that have had a significant impact on you?
  3. Can you share a skill or area of knowledge you’re currently working on improving?

Industry Trends and Insights:

  1. What trends do you see shaping the future of [industry]?
  2. How has technology impacted your industry, and how do you stay ahead of the curve?
  3. What challenges and opportunities do you anticipate in the coming years?

Leadership and Management:

  1. How do you approach leadership and building a successful team?
  2. Can you share a leadership principle or philosophy that guides your decision-making?
  3. What advice do you have for aspiring leaders?

Creativity and Inspiration:

  1. How do you nurture and cultivate creativity in your work?
  2. Where do you draw inspiration from when facing a creative block?
  3. Can you share a project that challenged you to think outside the box?

Personal Habits and Productivity:

  1. What daily habits or routines contribute to your productivity?
  2. How do you manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  3. Is there a specific morning or evening routine that you follow?


  1. What inspired you to start your own business?
  2. Can you share a significant lesson you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?
  3. How do you approach risk and decision-making in your business?

Diversity and Inclusion:

  1. How do you foster diversity and inclusion in your workplace or industry?
  2. What steps do you believe are crucial for promoting diversity and equality?

Advice for Listeners:

  1. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
  2. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Philosophical and Thought-Provoking:

  1. How do you define success and fulfillment in life?
  2. What legacy do you hope to leave behind in your career or personal life?
  3. Can you share a personal mantra or guiding principle that you live by?

Creativity and Innovation:

  1. How do you foster a culture of innovation in your work or organization?
  2. Can you share an example of a time when thinking outside the box led to success?
  3. How do you approach problem-solving and overcoming creative blocks?

Technology and Future Trends:

  1. What emerging technologies do you believe will have the most significant impact on your industry?
  2. How do you stay informed about technological advancements in your field?

Work-Life Balance:

  1. How do you maintain a healthy balance between your professional and personal life?
  2. Can you share any tips for avoiding burnout in a demanding career?

Main Interview Questions:

  1. Looking back at your journey, what key moments or decisions shaped who you are today?
  2. What does a typical day in your life look like, and how do you stay organized?
  3. How do you approach challenges and setbacks in both your personal and professional life?
  4. Can you share a specific achievement or project that you’re particularly proud of?
  5. In your opinion, what qualities or skills have been most crucial to your success?

Communication and Storytelling:

  1. How do you approach effective communication in your work and personal life?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience where storytelling played a key role?
  3. What advice do you have for individuals looking to improve their communication skills?

Audience-Generated Questions:

  1. We asked our audience questions, and here’s one: [Ask a question from the audience].
  2. What’s one burning question your fans or followers often ask you on social media?
  3. We received several questions about [specific topic]. What’s your perspective on that?
  4. Here’s a question from a listener: [Read out a question from a listener].
  5. How do you engage with your audience on social media, and how has it impacted your work?

Inspirational Figures:

  1. Is there a historical figure or contemporary figure who inspires you, and why?
  2. What qualities do you admire most in the people you look up to?

Motivation and Overcoming Challenges:

  1. How do you stay motivated during tough times?
  2. Can you share a specific challenge you faced and how you navigated through it?
  3. What role does resilience play in your approach to challenges?

Digital Transformation:

  1. How has digital transformation impacted your industry, and what role do you play in it?
  2. What opportunities and challenges do you see in the ongoing digital revolution?

Global Perspectives:

  1. How do you think global events and trends impact your work or industry?
  2. What role can individuals and organizations play in addressing global challenges?

Health and Well-being:

  1. How do you prioritize physical and mental health in your busy schedule?
  2. Are there specific wellness practices or routines that you find beneficial?

How to Generate Your Engaging Podcast Interview Questions

How to Generate Your Engaging Questions for Your Podcast

1. Understand Your Audience and Tailor Questions Accordingly

Your podcast should revolve around one key element: your target audience. Invest time in understanding your listeners’ values, beliefs, aspirations, and challenges. By comprehending their common pain points and struggles, you can grow a successful podcast audience.

Explore your audience online through subreddits, Quora, or audience research tools like Sparktoro. Observe their favorite YouTubers, subscribe to their preferred newsletters, follow their favorite social media influencers, and directly engage with listeners via surveys or social media polls.

2. Leverage the Five W’s to Spark Unique Ideas

The five W’s – who, what, when, where, and why – serve as a versatile tool to unlock creative questions. In the realm of journalism, the six W’s (including ‘how’) are commonly employed.

This framework proved instrumental in generating many of the ideas presented in this blog. By simply selecting a topic like “personal questions,” listing down each of the five W’s, and brainstorming questions under each category, you can generate fresh and engaging questions.

3. Utilize Question Formulas for Rapid Idea Generation

Numerous effective questions can be structured as formulas or templates. Seek inspiration from book titles, conversations with friends, or other podcasts. Personalize the questions by swapping out specific information within the framework.

Here are a few question formulas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • “Do you prefer [option one] or [option two]?”

Example: “Do you prefer dogs or cats?”

  • “Would you rather [option one] or [option two]?”

Example: “Would you rather eat a scorpion’s brain or frog legs?”

  • “If you could wave a magic wand and change anything, what would you change about [object/organization/person/place]?”

Example: “If you could wave a magic wand and change anything, what would you change about Disney World?”

  • “How do you pronounce [funny word]?”

Example: “How do you pronounce g-i-f?”

  • “What is your favorite [object]?”

Example: “What is your favorite podcast?”

4. Identify Questions to Avoid

Knowing what not to ask is equally important as knowing what to ask. Conduct thorough research on your guests to understand their preferred topics and life stories.

The more you know about your guest, the better equipped you are to ask questions without venturing into inappropriate areas.

Before recording, take the time to ask your guests if there are any topics they would prefer not to discuss. Some shows thrive on exploring off-topic areas, but ensure your guest is comfortable before proceeding.

FAQs About Podcast Interview Questions

What are good podcast questions?

Good podcast questions are those that spark engaging and insightful conversations. Aim for open-ended queries that encourage guests to share their experiences, insights, and perspectives. Consider your audience’s interests and tailor questions to the guest’s expertise, creating a dynamic and captivating dialogue.

How do I prepare for a podcast interview?

To prepare for a podcast interview, start by researching your guest’s background, work, and expertise. Familiarize yourself with their previous interviews and content. Craft a well-structured outline with a mix of general and specific questions. Practice active listening and be ready to adapt based on your guest’s responses. Technical preparation, such as testing equipment, is also crucial for a smooth interview experience.

How do you write an interview question for a podcast?

Writing interview questions for a podcast involves a balance of research and creativity. Begin with a foundation of general questions to ease into the conversation. Gradually progress to more specific inquiries tailored to your guest’s expertise. Use open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses, allowing the conversation to flow naturally. Consider the interests of your audience to ensure relevance.

How do I ace a podcast interview?

To ace a podcast interview, focus on building a genuine connection with your guest. Be well-prepared with thoughtful questions, listen actively, and respond authentically. Maintain a conversational tone, allowing the dialogue to flow naturally. Embrace spontaneity while staying within the interview’s structure. Lastly, ensure technical aspects are in order, creating a seamless and professional experience.

What makes a good podcast interview?

A good podcast interview is characterized by a dynamic and engaging conversation. It involves asking thought-provoking questions, active listening, and adapting to the guest’s responses. A successful interview balances structure and spontaneity, fostering a connection with the audience. The authenticity of the interaction, coupled with relevant and insightful content, defines what makes a podcast interview stand out.

How long should a podcast interview be?

The ideal length for a podcast interview varies but generally falls between 30 minutes to an hour. Consider your audience’s preferences and the complexity of the topic. Ensure the conversation is engaging throughout, avoiding unnecessary length while providing sufficient time for meaningful discussion.

Are podcast interviews scripted?

While some podcast interviews may have a loose script or outline, the best ones often embrace spontaneity. A scripted interview can feel rigid and lack authenticity. Instead, opt for a well-prepared list of questions and talking points, allowing room for natural conversation and unexpected insights.

Do podcasts pay for interviews?

In most cases, podcasts do not pay for interviews. The exchange is typically based on mutual promotion and exposure. Guests benefit from reaching the podcast’s audience, while podcast hosts gain valuable content. However, some high-profile guests or specialized content creators may negotiate compensation for their time and expertise.

Summing Up

Making good podcast interview questions for people on podcasts is about thinking, being interested, and adding some fun to make the show enjoyable. These questions help me understand the person I’m talking to – their reasons, what they love, and what challenges they’ve faced. Mixing serious questions with lighter ones paints a complete picture of who they are.

Remember, these questions are simply a starting point. Tailor them to your specific guest and the overall theme of your podcast. By asking thoughtful and engaging questions, you’ll create a podcast interview that leaves a lasting impression on your listeners.

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