How to Enable Motherboard HDMI | Easy Guide 2022

Overplugged - How to Enable Motherboard HDMI

HDMI is a high-definition multimedia interface that connects multiple devices to a single screen. HDMI has become increasingly common in computers and computer monitors in recent years.

In this article, you will learn How to Enable Motherboard HDMI.

Nowadays, you can connect your smartphone, tablet, computer, laptop, projector, television, DVD player, etc., to a single display or TV.

Further, motherboard HDMI ports are the one that helps you to connect your external device to your computer or laptop. You can connect to any device such as your game console, Blu-ray player, projector, etc.; in case you don’t use the internal HDMI port, then you can use the motherboard HDMI ports.

Overplugged - how to enable motherboard HDMI without integrated graphics

Why is HDMI Important?

This port is essential because it lets you watch movies on your laptop or computer. Moreover, you can watch any sort of video on it without needing any extra external device. But it will cost you a lot, require lots of power, and consume a lot of battery.

How to Enable Motherboard HDMI | 5 Amazing Steps

Many people don’t know how to enable the HDMI port on their motherboards. It is crucial because you can use the HDMI port to connect a monitor to your computer. 

More so, it is vital to have this feature enabled on your motherboard. You can find it under your motherboard’s device manager. You’ll find our critical guide helpful in this regard.

In laptops, HDMI ports are also very common on motherboards. It is the only way to connect the monitors to your laptop and make it more convenient. 

But sometimes, it happens that the HDMI port is not enabled. You’ll be annoyed if that happens to you.

In this post, I will share tips that will help you resolve your problems. Let’s start;

Check the Device Manager

The Device manager is the software that is present in Windows operating system. It is the only way that will let you know whether the HDMI port is enabled or not.

Run Device Manager

Open the start menu and search for the device manager; open it and check the display connection once you find it. If there is no HDMI option listed, you can turn it on directly. If you see any errors, try updating your motherboard BIOS.

Change Power Settings

You can use some power options in the BIOS settings to enable the HDMI port. First, check whether you have this setting enabled and disabled it.

Turn Off the Monitor

When you are not using the monitor, it will save power and automatically switch off the monitor after some time. You can turn it back on and then check the HDMI port to check whether it is enabled.

Overplugged - motherboard hdmi port not working

6 Amazing Benefits of Enabling Motherboard HDMI Port

HDMI ports have advantages, such as saving a lot of space on your computer case. You can easily switch them between different devices. Moreover, it is a cost-effective solution, easy to use, etc. It is the best port for connecting a wide range of devices to your monitor.

1. You can watch any video format on your monitor

2. You can enjoy high-definition content

3. You can view multiple pictures at the same time

4. You will get instant visual clarity

5. High-resolution images are available

6. You will get more battery life

The best part of having an HDMI port is that it can easily connect to your laptop and desktop computers. In addition, if your motherboard supports HDMI, you can easily connect your devices to your monitor. 

Further, some issues people face when connecting their devices to a monitor without an HDMI cable, such as image quality and audio.

Overplugged - how to use motherboard HDMI with graphics card

Final Words

In short, the HDMI is a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) connector that allows the user to connect a digital video source to a compatible display device. For example, the HDMI connector connects a television or monitor to a set-top box, Blu-ray player, DVD player, or other video source device.


1. Are there any advantages of an HDMI port on my motherboard?

The benefit of an HDMI port on your motherboard is that you’ll be able to connect the TV to a PC. Besides this, you don’t need to use a VGA cable.

2. Distinguish between HDMI and DVI?

HDMI is a newer technology than DVI. HDMI uses digital video signals, while DVI uses analog video signals.

3. Is there any way to know if my motherboard has an HDMI port?

If your motherboard has an HDMI port, you should see an HDMI logo on the back of the motherboard.

4. Is there any way to know if my motherboard supports HDMI?

If your motherboard supports HDMI, you should see an HDMI logo on the back of the motherboard.

5. How can I tell if my motherboard has a DVI port?

If your motherboard has a DVI port, you should see a DVI logo on the back of the motherboard.

6. How can I enable DVI?

You can go to your motherboard manual to enable DVI and look up how to do it.

7. What are the benefits of having HDMI over DVI?

The benefit of HDMI over DVI is that it is digital, while DVI is analog. In addition, it means that HDMI is better for high-definition TV sets.

8. What are the benefits of having HDMI over VGA?

The advantage of using HDMI over VGA is that it is digital, while VGA is analog. It means that HDMI is better for high-definition TV sets.

9. Distinguish between HDMI and DVI.

HDMI is a newer technology than DVI. HDMI uses digital video signals, while DVI uses analog video signals

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